Articles by "Here's 5 Reasons to Take a Holiday Right Now"
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Are you a leader in your business? Have you taken any holidays in the last 12 months? What's going on? Do you need a reason to take a holiday - here are 5 reasons to take a holiday now.

1. Clear your mind - from the grind

Holidays give you time to think. There will be very few day-to-day tasks to consider. No deadlines to meet and no business to satisfy, especially if you turn your phone off and don't look at emails. The main decisions of the day will be about what you eat and what you drink! And perhaps, when do you get up in the morning! Think about the future - what do you really want to do? If it is different, think about how the transition would occur.

2. Time to grow your mind by reading

Read a book. Perhaps there is some skill that you wish to improve or blogs to write on some topic. Be inspired by reading biographies, autobiographies, life stories on video and great movies that inspire.

3. Clearer perspective

Sit back and think about the big picture. See the trees and not the forest! Perhaps contemplate your product lines and why some are better earners than others. Think about your staff and the encouragement you can give them on your return. What can be done in a better way to meet the customer's needs? Holidays are a great mulling time!

4. Become more creative

Escaping normal life and experiencing new markets, tastes, smells, sounds and other senses enhances creativity. A new perspective can form which may help create a new way, new products etc. Take what you see and use it wisely.

5. Refresh

Holidays help people recover from the daily grind of hard work. Long hours each week are difficult to sustain. Catch up on your sleep and rest. Get back to the "top of your game" during the break.

If you have not taken a holiday in some time, consider taking one right now. The benefits to you and your business can be enormous. Once a decision has been made to take a holiday, hold yourself to the decision so that it is not lost in the indispensability myth!

Travel somewhere new and experience a new culture. Observe how people work live and play and grab the bits that make sense and bring them back. You never know - it could be the best decision of your life!

Author: David Nivala

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