Travel can be one of the most stressful parts of life, but also one of the most rewarding. Being prepared and knowing what to expect on the road, at sea or in the air is essential to having a good trip. Read on to discover some knowledge that you can use to make good memories away from home.

Remember, when traveling abroad it is better to avoid drinking the local tap water. Most visitors will be unaccustomed to the local water and can get quite ill. It's much easier to go to the local supermarket or grocery store and buy bottled water instead. It cuts down your chance of sickness, as bottled water is usually produced to the highest of standards.

If you are traveling to another country brush up on that country's laws. Some foreign countries have laws that you might view as a little strange or not expect. As a precaution, it is always a good idea to familiarize yourself with the laws specific to the place you are visiting.

While they can be bulky to pack, sleeping might be more pleasant on your own pillow. Traveling can mess up your sleep pattern so having your own pillow brings a bit of comfort to a strange location. If you are driving this is easy to do. When flying, try bringing it in your carry on, as you may want to sleep on the flight as well.

In every place you visit, purchase a simple outfit of the local garb. This will help you blend in so that you will be safer and have a more authentic experience. It will also provide you with a truly interesting and useful souvenir of the places you have visited. Every time you wear your new garments when you go back home, you will have memories and stories to share.

When making travel plans, remember that in the US, the Americans With Disabilities Act gives you protection against discrimination; however, this is not true in other countries. You will want to take extra care in making provisions for your trip. Be certain the airlines and other transport services are aware of and can accommodate your special needs. Get a clear understanding of how and where your assistive devices will be transported. If you have special dietary requirements, be sure to make arrangements for them in advance.

The advice "don't drink the water" if you travel to a foreign country is, unfortunately, accurate. However, you can also have intestinal upsets any time you drink water from a place other than where you live, even in the U.S. That's because the bacterial flora that lives in your gut (intestinal tract) are very sensitive to the composition of your own water, in your own area. It takes them a while to get used to water from elsewhere, and in the meantime, they want to push that unfamiliar water right through. So until you get used to the local water, wherever you are, sip slowly or stick with bottled H20.

Ninety percent of any good trip is preparation and knowledge. Having read this article, hopefully, you are now full of ideas on getting ready for and surviving your next adventure away from home. Apply what you have learned and you are sure to come home with good memories of visited destinations.

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