Family travel can be stressful for all involved, parents
and children. However, making the trip more tolerable often just involves being
creative and using strategies to make the trip more memorable. Here are some
tricks to making the next vacation stress-free.
1) Play Games
This often comes to mind for road trips, but it's a
wonderful way to keep the kids entertained during long journeys. Gaming devices
or WIFI-capable smart tablets can be a great option for entertaining everyone.
It's also always a good idea to join in with your children when it comes to
traditional car games, such as spotting other cars of a particular color or
trying to find the unique license plates. Games keep everyone busy while also making
humorous memories.
2) Be Prepared
It may seem obvious to many parents, but it's sometimes
easy to forget essential items for a trip. Being prepared for accidents or
issues that arise, like hunger, can make a trip go much more smoothly. For
instance, bring snacks, so stops aren't necessary every few hours. It's also
smart to have items like wet wipes and a first aid kit just because you never
know what unforseens a trip might bring. Even having an extra phone and electronic
device chargers will come in handy.
3) Have a Plan
Often the most memorable family travel memories occur
when things go unplanned. However, it's smart to have an itinerary in mind that
starts from the moment of departure. It doesn't have to be set in stone, but
knowing what stops you'll likely make can make the travel itself much easier.
Plans mean less stress on the parents and are less for everyone to worry about
during the trip with order and structure to the events.

4) Dress Smart
Putting the kids in layers, especially if you're going on
a plane where the temperature can't be controlled, is always wise. It'll be too
cold at some points, or too hot, and layers always allow for easy adaptation to
the temperature. When the kids are physically comfortable, it'll certainly
lessen the chance of any arguments or whining. This also serves double duty in
case there's an accident. If someone spills juice on his or her shirt, then
it's an easy fix to reveal the clean one.
5) Nighttime Travel
If possible, try to plan your driving time when the kids
would normally be napping or already asleep. Older children can be easily
entertained, but if an infant is present, it'll definitely work in your favor
to drive during naptime. You may lose a few hours of sleep yourself, but it
will make the ride much smoother if the children are quietly napping. It'll
also provide some parental quality time for adult conversations or simply for a
peaceful car ride to enjoy.
Regardless of the type or length of travel time,
following these tips can make family travel much more enjoyable and memorable
experience for all.
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