Articles by "Five Essentials For Your Next Summertime Mountain Town Getaway"
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You just got back from having the time of your life on a summer getaway to a quaint mountain town. Your bags are being handed over to you by the driver of the car service, and you're heading up the pathway to your front door, and the smile on your face is almost hurting your cheeks. You really had more fun than you've had in a long time.

When you finally get inside, you dump the bags, toss your keys on the bar, and take a nose dive into the couch just to come down a bit. After a bit, though, you start thinking about the things about the trip that you wished were a little different. You haven't come down from cloud nine, but your euphoria is a bit tempered now. Whatever. It's time for a long, hot shower, some tea, and probably falling asleep watching TV.

A few weeks later, you and your friends are hanging out & talking about the trip you all took earlier. Lo and behold, everyone else had the same reaction you did. Nothing could erase the perfection that was the trip, but there were some parts of it that could have been better. As you talk things out, you decide two things: 1) there will most definitely be a return trip next summer; and 2) a list must be made for the essentials that must be part of the trip.

Here are five essentials for your own summertime mountain town getaway:

Layers Are Imperative - Changes in elevation and fluctuation in temperature throughout the year can make it hard to know how cold or hot it will be sometimes. Dressing in comfortable layers lets you navigate this back and forth. Since you're in the mountains, think about a flannel shirt. It may be a little on the nose, but you'd be surprised at flannel's versatility.

Pack More Than One Pair of Shoes - If you'll be doing some serious hiking, you need some serious hiking boots or shoes. You'll also be doing a lot of walking. If in the event you may have a more sophisticated night out, dirty hiking boots or tennis shoes may not fit the bill.

Sunscreen, Hand Cream, & Insect Repellent - No explanation needed. These are the basic you should have with you on any trip, and manufacturers are doing their best to make traveling with them easier & not take up so much room.

Sunglasses and Eye Protection - Bright sunlight hitting the snow or water can really mess with your eyes. Protect them at all times.

Something To Carry Water In - You're in the outdoors, so don't be that guy and carry plastic water bottles that'll be thrown away later. Have some respect for nature, and carry a reusable bottle. It's good to stay hydrated, and it's an example of good stewardship.

Obviously, your essentials may differ a bit, but these tend to cover the most basic needs of staying hydrated and protecting yourself from the elements. Remember, you're in the mountains, and while the natural beauty is taking your breath away, you want to be sure to be safe & prepared.

Author: Morris Raymond

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